Thursday, March 13, 2008

number 1

public speaking class

It is the beginning of the semester, and this speech class has just begun. It is natural to be nervous about speaking in front of people that never met before. Public speaking class give me full of helpful suggestion for presentation.

In class, we must to prepare 5 types of speech like informative speech, persuasive speech, group discussion ,impromptu speech and forum.

My first presentation is informative speech and my group present about Pyramid.Second,persuasive speech and I tried to persuade people to buy ,use my product, Vitagen.

Third, is group discussion more like MUET. We are given a topic and we are discussion about the topic in 10 minutes. After this, we must do the forum and lastly an impromptu speech

I don’t like to do impromptu speech because I must speak in front of other’s members from others course and others lecturer. But I will try it.i. I can do the best to get the best result in this paper, PUBLIC SPEAKING. Thank a lot to my lecturer ,Mr shafeirul which teach and give me more knowledge and experiences about speech.

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